Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's All In Your Head!

It's All in Your Head

Have you ever been so distraught over a matter perhaps you've been feeling down and
out for a period of time or maybe you are feeling lonely or you have a nagging pain that
just won't go away?
So you express your concerns to a doctor, close friend, or even your spouse and they
appear to listen and then they tell you:

'Don't worry about it. It's all in your head.'     
How did that make you feel?
The answer is obvious...

Is it Really All in Your Head?

Recently I listened to some training from an awesome lady, Diane Hochman. I'm sure many 
of you know who she is. Anyway, according to her it is all in your head!

She made this awesome point.
Why when given the same tools and training that one person will make tons of money
while another person will make no money at all?
It's not the tools and training. In most cases it boils down to mindset.
She then shared a question that has changed her career and entire thought process.
One that she asks hers self daily.

"Who do I need to be in order to........?
Maybe you want to generate 5 leads a day.
Then ask yourself "Who do I need to be in order to generate 5 leads per day."

Most people ask 'WHAT do  I need to do.' But by doing so the focus shifts back
to the tools and training. Remember there's nothing wrong with the tools and training.

If you ask your brain a question it has no choice but to give you the answer.
It may not be immediate but eventually you will get one.
In this case by asking "Who do I need to be in order to........? your brain will
subconsciously position you with the right people, the right training and tools
giving you the confidence to get what you desire.

It's Up to YOU!

This tactic is so simple, so basic but at the same time, so EASY to throw away...
Make use of this easy and free strategy everyday; even several times a day.
Yes use it to tap into the power of your mind and change your thinking process;
your entire career!

Nathaniel Wright                                                                         


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mastering the Use of Questions When Prospecting

Why Ask Questions Anyway?

Questions, questions, questions, why do you ask so many questions!? Perhaps you have
felt this way when your toddler began to ask questions about everything under the sun!
For them it's a learn process, a part of their development and growth.

But for you it can be nightmare; especially when you finally get the dreaded question:
'where do babies come from?' 
' Ask your mother' is always an easy reply!

In business though, questions make your life much easier and puts YOU in control because
YOU will be the one asking all the questions.

Questions Actually That Work

If you ever listened to anything by Ray Higdon, I'm sure you are familiar with these questions:
  • Would you be open to a side project if it didn't interfere with what you are doing?
A non-abrasive question that you ask your warm market or a complete stranger!
Notice you didn't say anything about your opportunity; you are just creating curiosity.
If the response is positive, ask :
  • Why? 
People have different reasons. Maybe they just lost their job or are look for extra money to
make ends meet, or maybe they want to stay at home with with the kids...ect.
If you don't ask 'why', how would you know how to proceed?

So You Got Them On the Phone, Now What?

Talking to a prospect on the phone can be daunting. A lot of, if not most marketers avoid this like the plague!
The secret is to remain calm and calmly ask Ray's magic question:
"What has changed in your life that has made you open to a home business."
Really listen because your prospect is going to tell you their "WHY."
Hopefully you have one and you revisit it daily and use it as motivation to keep going.

By now I hope you are seeing the power behind the use of questions. The #1 benefit
is that they allow you to stay in control and lead the way!

P.S. How Would You Like to be Even More Attractive
to Your Prospects? It's Possible Right Here!

Nathaniel Wright

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Network Marketer's Daily Routine

A Network's Daily Action Plan

So you've finally joined that hot, new, about to be virual network marketing company every-
one is talking about.
You excitedly login and go to your back office.
"Wow." You say to yourself. "Look at all of the training, ready made campaigns, strategies,
products, ect. So you dive right in; listening to hours and hours of training. Why? Because
you finally have the perfect opportunity and you're FINALLY gonna make it happen!

After the honeymoon and hours of training, what now? What do I need to do on a daily
basis to make money?
The above scenario is my true story and perhaps it maybe even yours. It has been and will
continue to be played out over and over again.

So What Do I Do Now?

Good question.
Answer: Establish some sort of daily routine. And stick to it religiously! every single day.
I am going to share my daily routine. I hope you can find value in it.
  • Create a piece of content daily (blog post, video, article, ect)
  • Spend 30 min. a day marketing (choose one strategy and only one focus on it)
  • 15-30 min. daily working on mindset. This is the most often overlooked but most 
important aspect of your marketing. Read, watch webinar, ect. (Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuck)
is a great book.
  • Meditation 15 min. daily (clears the mind so you can focus)
  • Make connection with others online or offline
If you get into a daily routine you will eventually have success but at the same time
have fun!

To the Journey Ahead
Nathaniel Wright
P.S If You Want to be Unstoppable Click Below

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Secret to Giving Real Value

The Secret to Giving Real Value

Have you ever heard that if you give away free stuff on the internet you will make money?

When I first started marketing on the internet my entire focus was on my products.
So I was dropping links everywhere, twitter, facebook, forums, I mean everywhere!
Then I had an ah ha moment: 'people don't care about your products/services.'
What they do care about is if you can solve their problems and give them real value!

So one way to give value is by giving away free stuff: videos, blog posts, ebooks, webinars,
While this maybe true, giving away free stuff for no rhyme or reason attracts the wrong kind 
of people: tire kickers, and those who are just looking for something free.
These kind of people can make you go broke really fast!

Your goal is to attract people who are willing to spend money on your valuable content.
So how do you do this?

So What is the Secret

The secret to giving real value is doing so with a purpose in mind.
What this entails is creating a desire within your prospect to want more!

For example, suppose you were promoting a product on getting free traffic to google.
Give your prospect only a "taste" of what they will be getting. Just whet their appetite
and curiosity.

If you are writing a blog post, maybe you can open with a success story of yourself or
even someone else.
Then talk about the desires of your target audience; hitting all of their hot buttons!
Then maybe give a few tips on SEO  and at the end give a call to action.

My Call to Action to You

If you see this as a clear opportunity to change and maybe even an "ah ha" moment,
then click the link below:

To the Journey Ahead,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 881-1797

Friday, November 23, 2012

A Conversation With a Prospect

You Are Getting Leads Now What?

A few months ago I bought 40,000 leads. I was so excited. 
I thought to myself: 'Nate you are finally in business. So I
download all 40,000 leads; complete with name, phone num-
ber, and email address.
I looked over my rather expansive list and then I asked 'now what?'
What do I do with all of these leads. Do I start dumping them 
into my opt-in box? Do I email or call them.
To find an answer I went to various forums and no one had
an answer! Boy was I disappointed!
The best answer I got was from my friend and fellow marketer
Andrea Goodsaid who told me she never buys leads because
the best ones are the ones you generate yourself.
And when you do, you must pick up the phone and call them!

What Do You Say?

Many if not most network marketers avoid picking up the phone and
call their leads. This is done for a variety of reasons but a major reason
is not knowing what to say.
How would a conversation between you and a prospect go?
First of all make sure YOU control the conversation. Remember
you have something they need and you are the leader.
Think of it like you are interviewing someone for a job:

 "I noticed that you responded to one of my websites and so I am
calling to check your interest. I would like to ask you a few questions."

  • What has changed in your life that has made you open to working
from home?
  • What do you do for a living?
  • What do you like and dislike about what you do?
  • What have you done in the past?
  • What qualities do you bring to the table that would make me
pick you to join my team?
  • On a scale from 1-10 with 10 being ready to start now how would you
rate yourself?
This is only a sample of what to ask. I am sure there are other questions but
hopefully it gets the ball rolling.

Potential Conversation Stoppers! 

As a marketer you have to be the leader. This means staying in control of the 
conversation, despite your prospects many questions and interruptions.
  • What's this about?
  • I don't remember visiting your website?
  • I don't have time right now
There are others but the point is it's your job to keep the conversation going.
No need to be all apologetic because you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Remember you have something they need despite there not knowing it.

Always remember to ask for a referral even if the person is not interested.
If they are interested email them some more information and continue to 
build a relationship.

To Your Success,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409

P.S. See how I am using this FREE tool to build
my list>>>>>

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Useful Tips Before Attending Your Companies Event

Useful Tips Before Attending Your Companies Event

All roads lead somewhere...right? If you are involved in network marketing are you on the
right road?
If you are consistent at attending your companies event then you are definitely on the right
road...the road to a major shift change in your business.
Make a conscience decision to go and take action!!!

But before going to your companies event there are some things that you can do to make sure
that you get the best out of your attendance.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Companies Event 

  • Don't try to learn everything.
doing so will only leave you mentally exhausted! Look for 1 or 2 strategies to take action on.
  • Bring a list of questions for various leaders
write them down and question different leaders about what they are doing to make things happen.
be determined to get them answered!
  • Get a camera interview with at least one leader
have 5 leaders in mind but get an interview with at least 1. 
think of a single question to ask each of them and again, be determined!
use video for you marketing
success by association...builds instant credibility
  • Bring a voice recorder to capture ideas
if you are like me you need all the help you can get. Ideas come and go very quickly
use the ideas for blog content
  • Write a Press Release
write one before and after attending your companies event
  • Get a photo taken with various leaders
again this is success by association
put on Facebook, blog and use in your marketing
people with think that you are just as successful
  • Hand out Business Cards
get out of your comfort zone, be bold, meet others, and shake some hands
you never know who you might meet or what partnership may form.

I sure hope these tips were of value to you. Please use them for your next event.

To Your Success,
Nathaniel Wright

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Work From Home Business

Work From Home Business

One of the wonderful aspects of today's technology is the internet. If it weren't for cyberspace
those wanting a work from home business would have very few choices to choose from.
With mere access to the web anyone can literally start their very own  internet business. All
it takes to get started is a PC with high speed internet access, an idea or even someone else's

Working From Home, Why So Popular?

Working from home has always been not just a dream but a passion. The traditional J-O-B
restricts your time and freedom. Not only that, but for the most part a person is very limited
in the amount of money they can make. For example, if the economy goes south your employ-
er has the right to withhold or severely limit your raise; or even terminate you.

Another reason why a work from home business is so popular is that all across the world many
people despise their jobs. Do you hate what you do for a living? Do you feel trapped in a dead
end job? Many factors can cause such disdain. Besides from hating what you do, there is the
matter of working hours that you would rather not, ie., the night or graveyard shift.
Personality conflicts can also be an issue. And then there is the matter of just not getting paid
for what you are worth.

Monetize Your Use of the Internet

As mentioned at the outset, the internet has made it possible those wanting a work from home
business to be successful because of the many opportunities it opens up.
A traditional work from home business, although desirable, still can be very limited because
oftentimes your customer base is for the most part local.
But by using the internet you can literally expand your business worldwide; reaching people
you never thought you would have access to. For example, I live here in sunny South Carolina
and I have expanded into Mexico; doing business with people I have never even seen. But
thanks to the internet it has become possible.

So many people are already making tons of cash by starting a work from home business.
Why can't it be you.

For more information on taking that first step towards your work from home business

To your success,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409


Friday, October 12, 2012

4 Daily Activities For a Successful Home Online Business

4 Daily Activities For a Successful Home Online Business

Imagine what it would feel like to finally make money with your home online business. Each time
you open up your lap top you see checks, money, and new reps coming in each and everyday!

Believe it or not the above scenario plays itself over and over again each and every second, minute,
hour, day, and month....for someone...but just not you.
'If this song is being played for someone how can I get in tune?' you may ask.

There is no such thing as a magic system or some sort of secret formula. But what is needed is 
often overlooked by the majority of people trying to make it happen with their home online business.

4 Activities You MUST Do Starting Today!

  • Mindset- The best football teams are built from the inside out; with a strong offensive and

defensive line. The same is true when it comes to you. Build from the inside out by first of all getting
the proper mindset. This is done by personal development. Budget a certain amount of money for
books, dvds, and personal development courses. 
Schedule at least 30 minutes of personal development daily.
  • Create Content- This can be a blog post, video, an article, an email to your list, ect. 
The important thing is that is is done consistently. To really explode your home online business
combine different forms of content. For example, after you write a blog post, create a video
about it.
  • Work On Skills- Do you struggle when it comes to talking to others on the phone?
Would you like to learn how to generate more leads online?
Would you like to host your own webinar?...there is always room for improvement...
  • Exercise- Now that you have worked on your mind, work on your body!
Keep that body in shape!
When you look good you feel good, when you feel good you are more productive!

If you do these 4 activities daily you will have certain success in your online home business.
I hope this post has been of value to you.
To see what else I recommend   CLICK HERE!

To Your Success,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Leadership Training That Gets Results

Leadership Training That Gets Results

Oftentimes I'm asked 'just what does it take to make it in the online industry?' Since 97% of
people in the online industry fail, (or give up) I think that's a legitimate question.

Although there are many factors, success can be summed up in one word: POSTURE.

Posture is how you position yourself to your prospects. It all boils down to attitude.
When a person opts in to one of your forms more than likely he or she is looking for 
someone who will lead the way; someone they can depend on.

A person of proper posture displays leadership training that attracts and teaches others.
He can afford to be selective; not showing the desperation of so many others. He doesn't
have to worry about wasting time with just anybody.
Why can he be so selective? Because he knows that he has a "gift" that could change lives
and only a select few will actually qualify because very few have the same passion, drive,
and desire that it takes to make it in this industry.

Always, Always, Always Stay in Control

"Those who ask the most questions are in control."

When talking to a prospect display leadership training that gets results by always staying 
in control of the conversation.
What you basically want to do is conduct an interview by asking questions:
  • What has changed in your life that has made you open to a home business?
  • What will having more money do for you and your family?
  • What do you do for a living? And what do you like and dislike about it?
  • How much income are you looking to make?
If they start to ask numerous questions maintain your posture by saying something like:
  • I'll be happy to answer your questions but I'm looking for only a few select people to partner up with.
  • Did you watch my video. It's the first step in the process.
  • Let me leave you my number so you can get back with me when you have finished watching the video.
By always having the proper posture and displaying leadership training that gets results, you will
find success in the online industry.

All the Best,
Nathaniel Wright

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Personal Growth Development - Why Important

Personal Growth Development - Why So Important

Imagine being lost at sea. It's just you. No food... no water. As the hot sun beams down
you are just dying of thirst. You look all around and for miles you see nothing but
water, sea water. And you think to yourself: "water, water everywhere but not a drop
to drink!"
When it comes to online marketing, have you ever felt similarly? You have a burning 
desire, an outright passion to make it happen but you find yourself buried in a sea of
confusion over what to do?

Social Media Marketing
Content Marketing
Paid Marketing

So what do you do?

When I first started online marketing my main focus was getting traffic,traffic, traffic.
I wanted someone, anyone to show me what I need to do because everything and I
do mean everything, I was doing wasn't working.
Then one day I realized that since these strategies were working for others, then it's
not the strategies, it's ME! I have to work on personal growth development.
Yes I have to look within and work on me, my own mindset...

So I started with personal growth development books, webinars, and and conference
If you want success in this industry, the best advice I can give anyone is to work on 
yourself first.

Some Top Personal Growth Development Authors

   1. Joe Vitale- The Missing Secret
   2.Brian Tracy- Action Steps for Personal Achievement
   3.Jim Rohn- In the Day that Turns Your Life Around
   4. Les Brown- The Power of Purpose
   5. Dale Carnegie- Make Yourself Unforgettable

There are obviously many, many more personal growth development authors but these 
are my personal favorites.
I hope this information was valuable to you in some way. 
When you change your thinking, you change your business.
When you change your business, you change your life!

Your online coach,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409

P.S.  Join me for a morning Wake Up Call
11am EST Mon.-Fri.
1-712-432-6268   Access Code 100669#

Monday, October 8, 2012

10 Magic Words on How to Copy Write

The Importance on Knowing How to Copy Write

Copywriting allows you to develop a rapport through the written word and when used properly, it can move others to take action.

Knowing how to write copy is a skill that can be learned over time. One of the first steps is to grab the attention of your audience. This can be done by using certain attention grabbing words or so called "magical words."

10 Magical Words on How to Copy Write

   1. FREE-  free ebook will show you how you can make your first dollar online.
   2. YOU/YOUR- are you struggling to generate leads online?
   3. ANNOUNCING- announcing the launch of product "X."
   4. INTRODUCING- introducing a revolutionary system that will help you generate leads online.
   5. NEW- this new system has created more leaders in our industry than any other...
   6. SECRET- the secret to success is not as difficult as some would like for you to think.
   7.HOW TO- how to copy write to your success
   8. GUARANTEE(D) this course is guaranteed to help you generate leads or your money back
   9. MAGICAL- this simple but almost magical trick can more than double your profits.
  10. EASY- just follow these easy steps to your online success.

Don't forget to use these words in your headlines, sub headlines, PPC ads, page titles and the actual
copy itself.

To Your Success,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409


Friday, October 5, 2012

7 Ways On How to Increase Traffic On Your Website

7 Surefire Ways On How To Increase Traffic To Your Website

Internet. Business. Profit. To fully integrate all of these words into a successful merger you will need another word. Traffic. Every article you will find about making your site or company successful would always include the importance of generating traffic.

So, we all know that in the core of it all, traffic is the most essential thing to a successful internet based business company. You can have the best and most expensive blog or website, but without traffic are you really in business? Think about it, the same thing applies with brick and mortar; would you open up a McDonalds out in the middle of a desert. The answer is obvious! Aside from ensuring that you have a great product to sell, its  time to get to the nitty gritty of things, how to increase traffic to your website. 

If you already have a site and you want think that you're not getting the traffic that you're supposed to be getting, then its time to reconsider how to increase traffic to your website. If you are contending in these very competitive business, you should always be a step ahead of your competition, increasing your traffic flow should have been done starting yesterday. 

Timing is essential, that’s an old adage known to everyone. But with generating traffic, you should always be on your toes and be a day ahead of everyone. Never think of today and tomorrow as a starting point for making your site traffic laden, it should always have been yesterday.

To show you how to increase traffic to your website here seven surefire ways to increase your traffic starting from yesterday.

How To Increase Traffic To Your Website

1) Invest in good advertising with a search engine

Google’s Adwords provide great advertising strategies that almost guarantee  traffic. Although with this surefire way will cost  money, the question you have to ask yourself is "do I want to be an employee or an entrepreneur?" 

2) Exchange or Trade Links with other sites

With exchanging links with other sites, both of you will benefit from the efforts both of you do to enhance your sites traffic. When one site features another sites link, they could provide one another with the traffic one site generates. The efforts are doubly beneficial because it would seem like both of you are working to generate more traffic. The more links traded with more sites the more traffic could be expected.

3) Use Viral Marketing 

Viral marketing allows you to spread the word about your company and product without any costs or if ever low costs only. This is a marketing method that can be quite sneaky; you can attach your company’s name, product or link to  certain media such as a funny video or an interesting article. With this method, people get engrossed with the creativity and entertainment of the medium that they will pass it on to other people. 

4) Search and use proper keywords or keyword phrases for your sites content

Search engines look for certain keywords that they would show in their results page. In doing so, having the right keyword and keyword phrase is a high requirement in ranking in high in search engine results.

5) Write Articles that can lead traffic to your site

Submit articles to sites that would contain the same subject that your site deals in. If you sell car parts write press releases and articles about cars and car parts. Attach your sites description and services at the end of the article as well as the link.

6) Join forums and form online communities

Capture a market and show your expertise and credibility. Offer value to others by answering their questions and solving their problems.  People will trust you and your site and in their eyes you will have real value. Traffic will certainly increase because they know that you can provide what they need.

7) Lastly, Offer newsletters. 

If many people know what you are about and your existence is shared with many others, you will find  loyal traffic that can provide you with more traffic by recommendation.

Yes, in any type of business traffic is a necessity. Without it no one knows you exist in the big world of the internet. Without it, it's like having a phone number
that is just sitting in a huge phone book.

If you implement just one of the above strategies on how to increase traffic to your website you will start to see results. Why stop at just one. Combine several or use
them all; that's leverage!

Your Online Coach,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409
P.S. If You Downline Doesn't Have a Blueprint for Success in Place
                                            CLICK HERE

Thursday, October 4, 2012

3 Tips to Getting on Google Home Page

3 Tips to Getting on Google Home Page

When it comes to search engines, google is king. When you are searching for something online
you never say "I'll just bing or yahoo it." Instead you say "I'll just google it."
Me personally, google is the only search engine I use. When I want to find something online my
mind just automatically gravitates toward google. 
With this in mind, it's imperative to get on google home page or the first page of google.

In this blog post I will try to keep it brief and to the point and give 3 simple pointers on how you can get
on the google home page.

First of all, keep in mind that this will take time; daily long term action and persistence!

How You Can Get on the Google Home Page Even Faster

Many marketers have been trying for years and years to try to get to google home page. As a matter
of fact, a good friend of mine who owns his own heating and air conditioning business pays around
$250 per month just to stay on the first page of google. This post was written for him and people
like him; all network marketers.

   1.  Create one blog post AND one video daily.

Google loves videos because for one thing they own Youtube. So you will get higher rankings.
Many people hesitate to make videos but videos make it much easier to build relationships with
your audience than the written word.
Always be willing to do what others are unwilling to do. Make videos!

   2.  Create a weekly planner.

In other words plan what you will blog about for the next 7 days by writing it down. I personally use
a spreadsheet and focus on 1 keyword for each day of the week.
When I first started to blog I did not have a plan. I just hoped that an idea would suddenly pop into
my head. But often times I just found myself wasting time reading my email or on twitter or facebook.
When I started using a weekly planner the ideas just started to flow.

   3.  Monetize your videos just like your blog.
What I mean is just as you do when making a blog post, focus on keywords.
Put them in your video title, description, and tags.
Also what a lot of people forget to do is build backlinks to your videos.

I hope these 3 tips were of value to you as you fight and claw your way to google home page.

Your Online Coach,
Nathaniel Wright

P.S. If Your Upline Doesn't Have a Blueprint for Success

                              CLICK HERE!


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Top Wordpress Plugins For You

Top Wordpress Plugins For You

Blogging is taking not only the nation but the world by storm. Just how can you improve your
blogging experience?
The answer lies is wordpress plugins. I have listed some of the top wordpress plugins that will
enhance your overall blogging experience.
Keep in mind that these top wordpress plugins are by no means the  the only ones that you will 
ever need.

Word Press Plugins

   1. Akismet- prevents spam
   2. Bad Behavior- prevents spam bots and fake commentors
   3. Google+ Plugin- increases traffic
   4. Google Analytics- gathers much needed data
   5. Google XLM Sitemaps- helps google find and categorize your blog
   6. Growmap Anti Spam Plugin- cuts down on spam comments
   7. Pinterest- "pin it" button
   8. Platinum SEO Pack
   9. SEO Facebook Comments- posts a comment on another person's wall
and turns their comment into a Wordpress comment
   10. Simple Facebook Share Button
   11. Tweet Meme Retweet Button
   12. Wordpress Thread Comment- lets you reply to comments directly on page 
without having to go to your back office.
   13. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin- Automatically post links to other similar

I am sure that these top wordpress plugins will further enhance your overall blogging

Your Online Coach,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409

P.S. If Your Upline Doesn't Have a Blueprint for Success
                                    CLICK HERE

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5 Free Traffic Website Tips from Google

 Free Traffic Website Tips 

Marketing online for many people is a passion. The problem is that there are so many ways or strategies
that it can be overwhelming. 
When I first started marketing online I was constantly jumping from one thing to the next. And by doing
so I was getting no where real fast.
I finally got my focus back by focusing one and only one strategy: Blogging
Many many people blog; some for fun others for profit.
Those who use it as a means of income are constantly looking for free traffic website tips.

5 Free Traffic Website Tips from Google

Whether you blog for pleasure or for income all bloggers look for free traffic. There are literally
thousands of searches daily for free traffic website strategies.
Below are 5 free website tips that I have found to be helpful:
  1. Write for people first and focus on SEO where it makes sense.
Always write content that gives real value to others. When writing any piece of content this should always
be your main focus. Basically this involves solving problems for others. 
For example, if you are good at creating videos, write a blog post about it so as to help someone who
wants to learn how to create see, real value.
A benefit of offering value is that others will naturally share your content on social media sites like
Facebook and Twitter.

   2. Be Consistent!

Success with blogging takes time; in most cases a whole lot of time.
When you first start to blog you have absolutely zero authority with google  so they don't "trust" your
site simply because it's brand new. Would you accept a marriage proposal on the first date?
I think you get my point...
Blogging consistently for 90 straight days builds that trust. It will get you noticed by the search engines.
Although most people will not be willing do this ask yourself: "Am I willing to do what most people are
unwilling to do in order to get the results I'm looking for? 

    3. Focus on "Buyer" Keywords
A buyer keyword is a word that a person searches for when looking to buy or review a product.
An example of this is an actual product such as total gym...
total gym review, buy total gym, total gym pro model, total gym coupon, ect.
The benefit to using buyer keyword free traffic website tips is that it targets people who are already
looking to buy and in some cases they already have their credit card in hand!

   4. Backlink your Content

A backlink is when you link from someone else website to your's. It's like getting a vote of confidence.
An excellent resource is Tribe Pro.

   5. Build an Email List

From time to time google may change it's standards and if you are not up to par, all of your content 
could become worthless over night!
But if you have built up an email list you can still generate income from your list.
You can bulid your list by putting opt-in boxes on your blog and or newsletters
also by linking back to a lead capture page as opposed to a sales page or your 
company replicated website.

I hope these tips on free website traffic have been of some value to you. Please feel free to leave a  
comment below.

Your Online Coach,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409


Saturday, September 15, 2012

7 Steps to Clear Goal Setting

Why Should You Set Goals

Most people go through life without purpose; without a clear plan as to what they want in life.
They may want certain things but do not have a plan of action as to how to achieve them.
That is were setting clear and concise goals come in. They give you purpose, motivation
and a plan to help you achieve what you want out of life.

7 Steps to Clear Goal Setting

  1. decide exactly what you want; be specific, clear and exact
  2. write your goals down on paper. A goal that is not written down is a fantasy.
  3. set a deadline for your goals. This helps you develop a sense of urgency
  4. Make a list of everything you to achieve.
  5. Organize your list into a plan. From time to time if necessary, rewrite your plan and make necessary adjustments to it in order to stay on target.
  6. Take necessary action on your plan IMMEDIATELY! Always move forward.
  7. Resolve to do something daily to move you toward your goal. This helps you gain much
needed momentum.

Remember those who have no plan, plan to fail!

To your Success,
Nathaniel Wright

Monday, September 3, 2012

How You Can Benefit From Forming A Mastermind?

What is a Mastermind?

Mastermind: When two or more people connect with one another to work
towards a common goal: whether in life or in business.

Benefits of Forming a Mastermind

There are many many benefits to forming a mastermind. As stated above, a mastermind
is when two or more people connect to work towards a common goal. By its very definition
it's obvious that forming a mastermind is very beneficial.

Through out history people have been forming masterminds of some sort or another:
Bonnie and Clyde
Batman and Robin
Jesus and the apostles

With good reason because two or more is always better than one.

  • Collective Knowledge: 
a) pooling together increases knowledge and power
b) what you don't know your mastermind partner might know
  • Collective Experience
a) your life experiences are different from that of your mastermind partner
b) whether good or bad we learn from our life's experiences; hopefully making 
us better people.
  • Accountability
a) as humans we tend to take path of least resistance
b) makes us  make a conscience effort to put ourselves in a position to
be accountable to our mastermind partner. 
c) like a "workout" partner to push each other to do just a little bit more.
  • Motivation
a) sometimes you're just down and out; not only because of poor business
results but also because of life. Life just happens...
b) can help save your business instead of sabotaging yourself when you feel like
giving up.
c) help to bring emotional balance to one another
  • Fun!
What's the point in having a business if you can't enjoy yourself an have fun.
A good joke might be all the motivation you need that day to get you going!
  • Friends for Life
two associates of mine Mark Harbert and MLM Bluesman, one living in
Chile and the other in Germany respectively, formed a mastermind but the 
amazing thing  is that they have never met except via the internet. They are 
now best of friends enjoying all the benefits of forming a mastermind.
  • Friendly Competition
a) think of it like a game, it makes everything fun and easier
b) pushes and drives you to higher levels

How to Form a Mastermind

In summary forming a mastermind is definitely to your advantage. How do you get started?
In order to do so keep in mind that because of the power of the internet, you don't have to 
know someone personally to form a mastermind. 
If you are part of network marketing ning community try to connect and form a relationship
with someone. It's just that simple,,,connect, relate, and mastermind!

To Your Success,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409

P.S. If your upline doesn't have a step by step blueprint in place to help
you succeed then click here:  The Power of the Mastermind!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Importance of Customer Loyalty

Customer Loyalty, the Key to a Successful Business

Customer loyalty has always 
been vital to the success of 
a business.  If you're in 
business and don't offer 
enough, provide high quality 
products or services, or 
maintain pricing, your 
customers may be tempted to 
go elsewhere.

Maintaining Loyalty With an Online Business

In traditional brick and 
mortar businesses this has 
always been a concern.  
However, on the web it's far 
easier for a dissatisfied 
customer to just click a 
couple of times and find 
another business to spend 
their money with.

When it comes to maintaining 
your customer's loyalty on 
the web the key to doing so 
is offering more of what your 
customers want and backing it 
with stellar customer service.

While this may seem like a 
daunting task to undertake, 
and it does require hard 
work, it's not as difficult 
as you may think.  So how do 
you offer your customers what 
they want and how they want 

The Essential Factor to Loyalty

The most essential factor in 
giving your customers just 
what they want is first, 
knowing what they want.  This 
requires research on your 

If you've not yet started 
your business take the time 
to check out the successful 
competition in your niche of 
choice and see what they 

If you're already in business 
you need your customers' 
feedback.  Include a feedback 
form on your website to give 
your customers the 
opportunity to provide 
suggestions to you.

Not only will this make them 
feel important and 
appreciated, but it will give 
you valuable insight, too.

Maintaining your customers
loyalty is not difficult once 
you get to know them.

Remember, while it will 
undoubtedly take more time 
and effort to keep your 
customers happy and loyal, 
the amount of time you spend 
on knowing their wants and 
needs and meeting them is far 
less than the time it would 
take to try to rebuild your 
business if you lost your 
best customers to the 

For More Information:

Thank you,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409

Thursday, August 30, 2012

How to Keep Motivated in Life and in Business

How to Keep Motivated in Life and In Business

With so many demands on our time, it's imperative to stay motivated or doing 
things that add meaning to our lives.
From my own experience as a single parent, motivation does not always come
easy. After working ten hours a  day five days a week, cooking, cleaning, and finding
time for my son and spiritual matters, where is the motivation?
A lot of times its just not's gone!

An then there is my home business...It does motivate me in many ways but at times
I need to be motivated to keep going.
How do we keep ourselves motivated? Here are a few techniques that I gleaned
from Mark Sanborn noted author and leader of men.

Motivational Techniques               

  • Make Time to Reflect
We miss out on so much when we don't reflect on what's
happening in our lives and what we can learn from them.
  • Remember to dream
Some people have so much going on in their lives that they
don't even take time to dream about the future. As a result
they don't aim high enough.
  • Mirror other successful people
Find role models worthy of imitation and simply copy what
they do.
  • Mentor someone else
One of the best ways to sharpen your skills and thus make yourself
feel needed is to teach what you know to someone else. Always
offer value to others.
  • Enjoy the journey
Take a moment to be grateful for what you have. Always take time
to remember your "why."
  • Live like a victor, not a victim
Bad things are a fact of life, and guess what: bad things happen to
good people! Bad experiences can either make us bitter or they
can make us better. The choice is yours.

Yes the challenge in life and in business is to stay motivated day by day.
Doing so will explode your profits as well as your relationships with others.
What more could anyone want?...

Nathaniel Wright

P.S. If Your Upline Doesn't Have a Blueprint for Success Already
in Place Then Click Here:

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Solo Ads. What Are They and How Can You Profit?

Solo Ads...How Can You Profit?

Internet marketing? Have you tried it? If so you are probably aware of the numerous
strategies available; many of them paid and quite a number free.

If you are like most newbies, you probably gravitated toward the "free" strategies.
Most people tend to do this in order to take a "test drive" to make sure that this
is right for them.

There are some clear advantages to the free strategies; "free" being the most obvious.
But the downside to this is that it takes a very long time to make any money that most
newbies wrongly conclude that internet marketing just doesn't work.

Switch From Being an Employee to an Entrepreneur

The best way to finally do this is by using paid traffic. 
I know you may be hesitant but you get what you pay for.

What are Solo Ads?

Simply put, a solo ad is when you pay someone else to email their list of
prospects or buyers.
The reason it is called a solo ad is because you add or offer is the only offer
the prospect sees when they open their email, as opposed to seeing your ad
lumped with others.
To put it in laymans terms, you are paying others to email to their list.

6 Steps to Running an Effective Solo Ad

  • Run Solo Ads with Relevant Providers
The key is to find a providers that are specific to the niche you are
  • Contact Provider Before Ordering Solo Ad
This allows you to ask them if others are running similar offers and
how responsive their list is to the such offers.
It allows you to see how fast they get back with you. If they are
prompt then you may want to do business with them.
  • Create Good Ad Copy
This can make or break your marketing results. Write a compelling
offer that will make people want to click.
Tell them what they will get and how they will benefit.

However, the most important part of your ad copy is your subject line.
Without an effective subject people will not click on your ad and get
to the actual ad copy.
  • Be Sure to Capture ALL of Your Leads
This is done by making sure that those who click on your ad end up on 
a lead capture page.
By doing so you are actually building your own email list.
  • Monetize Your List
After you have built a list, whether large or small you can begin to promote 
offers to your list.
In time, promote 2 to 3 other affiliate offers. Such profits from follow-ups
can more than pay for the solo ads.
Even if they don't take you up on your affiliate offers, you can always back-end
them into your primary network company.
  • Test Small, Track and Scale
Initially run a small solo ad and track your results
When you are generating leads and or making sales,
scale up to bigger ads.

Repeat the process with several solo ad providers and more than double your leads
and earnings.

I hope this information was useful and valuable. If so please feel free to leave a comment.

Nathaniel Wright

P.S. If Your Upline Does Not Have a Step by Step Blueprint
for Success, Check This Out (unless you have too many leads)

Click Here for Instant Access: