Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Network Marketer's Daily Routine

A Network's Daily Action Plan

So you've finally joined that hot, new, about to be virual network marketing company every-
one is talking about.
You excitedly login and go to your back office.
"Wow." You say to yourself. "Look at all of the training, ready made campaigns, strategies,
products, ect. So you dive right in; listening to hours and hours of training. Why? Because
you finally have the perfect opportunity and you're FINALLY gonna make it happen!

After the honeymoon and hours of training, what now? What do I need to do on a daily
basis to make money?
The above scenario is my true story and perhaps it maybe even yours. It has been and will
continue to be played out over and over again.

So What Do I Do Now?

Good question.
Answer: Establish some sort of daily routine. And stick to it religiously! every single day.
I am going to share my daily routine. I hope you can find value in it.
  • Create a piece of content daily (blog post, video, article, ect)
  • Spend 30 min. a day marketing (choose one strategy and only one focus on it)
  • 15-30 min. daily working on mindset. This is the most often overlooked but most 
important aspect of your marketing. Read, watch webinar, ect. (Crush It by Gary Vaynerchuck)
is a great book.
  • Meditation 15 min. daily (clears the mind so you can focus)
  • Make connection with others online or offline
If you get into a daily routine you will eventually have success but at the same time
have fun!

To the Journey Ahead
Nathaniel Wright
P.S If You Want to be Unstoppable Click Below

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