Tuesday, October 2, 2012

5 Free Traffic Website Tips from Google

 Free Traffic Website Tips 

Marketing online for many people is a passion. The problem is that there are so many ways or strategies
that it can be overwhelming. 
When I first started marketing online I was constantly jumping from one thing to the next. And by doing
so I was getting no where real fast.
I finally got my focus back by focusing one and only one strategy: Blogging
Many many people blog; some for fun others for profit.
Those who use it as a means of income are constantly looking for free traffic website tips.

5 Free Traffic Website Tips from Google

Whether you blog for pleasure or for income all bloggers look for free traffic. There are literally
thousands of searches daily for free traffic website strategies.
Below are 5 free website tips that I have found to be helpful:
  1. Write for people first and focus on SEO where it makes sense.
Always write content that gives real value to others. When writing any piece of content this should always
be your main focus. Basically this involves solving problems for others. 
For example, if you are good at creating videos, write a blog post about it so as to help someone who
wants to learn how to create videos...you see, real value.
A benefit of offering value is that others will naturally share your content on social media sites like
Facebook and Twitter.

   2. Be Consistent!

Success with blogging takes time; in most cases a whole lot of time.
When you first start to blog you have absolutely zero authority with google  so they don't "trust" your
site simply because it's brand new. Would you accept a marriage proposal on the first date?
I think you get my point...
Blogging consistently for 90 straight days builds that trust. It will get you noticed by the search engines.
Although most people will not be willing do this ask yourself: "Am I willing to do what most people are
unwilling to do in order to get the results I'm looking for? 

    3. Focus on "Buyer" Keywords
A buyer keyword is a word that a person searches for when looking to buy or review a product.
An example of this is an actual product such as total gym...
total gym review, buy total gym, total gym pro model, total gym coupon, ect.
The benefit to using buyer keyword free traffic website tips is that it targets people who are already
looking to buy and in some cases they already have their credit card in hand!

   4. Backlink your Content

A backlink is when you link from someone else website to your's. It's like getting a vote of confidence.
An excellent resource is Tribe Pro.

   5. Build an Email List

From time to time google may change it's standards and if you are not up to par, all of your content 
could become worthless over night!
But if you have built up an email list you can still generate income from your list.
You can bulid your list by putting opt-in boxes on your blog and or newsletters
also by linking back to a lead capture page as opposed to a sales page or your 
company replicated website.

I hope these tips on free website traffic have been of some value to you. Please feel free to leave a  
comment below.

Your Online Coach,
Nathaniel Wright
(864) 979-4409


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